Gravel washers
The gravel washers are recommended to gravel mines where the gravels are rather contaminated with clay.

Two shafts for greater efficiency
Manufactured in single-axis (ESW) and double-axis (DSW) versions, the machines are designed for cleaning gravel, stone and minerals with granule sizes from 2 to 80 mm, but also for processing highly contaminated construction debris very efficiently.

Simple operational mode
Loading happens in the back part of the gravel washer. HARDOX swords installed spirally on the shaft push the gravel forward continuously in the trough, strong rubbing enables the clay clods to get dissolved in the water. The thoroughly washed gravel comes out of the washer through a slide in the front part of the trough.

Efficient cleaning
During operation the material moving forward is washed by spouts from above and from below. The upper washing unit mainly cleans the gravel transported in the trough, while the lower insufflators facilitate the wood and coal like materials to get onto the surface so they leave the trough with the muddled water.
DSW modell
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